Use brain science. Change habits. Improve safety.

Because we are all human and behaviour is not always the safest.
The Problem
Despite all you've done
you're still having incidents
You have already invested a lot of time and resources in creating a safe environment, implementing a safe system of work, building a safety culture with skilled leaders, and it has worked - up to a point.
Then you get the call because there has been an incident and someone got hurt.
Your stomach drops to the ground. Then frustration.
What else can we do? What are we missing?

The Solution
HabitSafe uses what brain science tells us
about being human to improve safety
As workplaces get safer, systems get tighter and leaders move culture forward, a larger number of incidents among experienced workers and others come down to the modern-day issue of inattention. Yes. Inattention.
Many people think inattention happens infrequently, but brain science shows it is a part of most things we do. It is caused by stress, fatigue or being on autopilot.
How can HabitSafe help?
HabitSafe improves people’s ability to pay attention by teaching three foundations:
How common inattention is every day.
How to detect and be on guard against the things that cause inattention.
Quick-win skills and habits that provide extra protection when inattention is present (because often, it will be there without us knowing about it).
It’s proven to reduce incidents at work, but just as importantly, the skills and habits carry over to the rest of our daily lives.

We use the latest brain science to design effective techniques
that help people be more attentive and avoid incidents.
And People Love It
Imagine safety training that people willingly take on
They use the distinctive language, encourage each other, and even bring it home and teach their family.
It helps that the training is really enjoyable; funny videos, activities, stories.
People walk away thinking “that was way better than we expected”.
But more importantly, it just makes sense. We teach skills and habits that keep people safe wherever they
are, not just at work. "It’s not about paperwork to keep the boss happy - it’s about me.”

“In 25 years, I’ve never enjoyed safety training, but this was fantastic. Thank you”

“It’s good that I get to help my work colleagues be safer, and they get to help me!”

“This came at just the right time for me. My daughter’s learning to drive!”

Based On Brain Science
And it works
When it comes to behaviour, traditional safety teaches keeping safety front-of-mind to make good, safe in-the-moment decisions. This approach has been okay, but quite frankly, a little disappointing.
Thanks to recent advances in brain science, we now know why.
Research shows how and why we go into autopilot, and exactly what happens in our brain during stress or fatigue. In these scenarios, conscious decision-making goes out the window.
In other words, we need whole-of-brain techniques that go beyond what we’re consciously thinking about. We need techniques that keep us safer during those times when our brain becomes “side-tracked”...

Trevor's Story
"It was 2001, and I remember it as the moment I realised there was a big missing piece in safety".
I was working as Group HSE Manager at a large Sydney manufacturing facility. In that time, I came to know an experienced operator called Trevor. I remember him because he was a good guy, always followed safety procedures - you know the type: really competent, always good to deal with.
I was surprised then, when I got a call from the shift supervisor one Tuesday afternoon...
Why We Do What We Do
Hi, I'm Cristian Sylvestre, Founder of HabitSafe.
I've been where you are.
I actually started my career as a Chemical Engineer, but like a lot of people, found my way into safety.
Maybe it was my problem-solving background, maybe just my instinct for believing that we can do better,
but stories like Trevor’s told me that something was missing in safety.
I just couldn’t get out of my head that the safest environment, a tight system or the best safety
leadership didn’t always achieve a good safety performance.
I spent 10 years looking for the missing piece.