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Knowledge is not enough to deal with inattention

Once people appreciate how common inattention is every-day and learn its causes, they want to be more attentive. Nobody wants to be inattentive if they can help it.

But simply making people aware of the causes of inattention isn’t enough to make change happen.


Consciously knowing the causes is one thing, knowing what to do and doing it when it matters is quite another.

Brain science has the answer


Traditional safety thinks behaving safely is a front-of-mind issue. We’ve all heard “if people were thinking about their safety, they would not have had the incident.”

Although it is true, the problem with this view is people are not wired to keep safety (or anything else, for that matter) front-of-mind for long. As soon as something becomes familiar our brain shifts it to the back of the mind and inattention subsequently results. We are designed to do most things this way, especially those we are familiar with. It is part of being human.

To improve safety in a meaningful way, we need a whole-of-brain approach that goes beyond what we are consciously thinking about. Fortunately, brain science shows the human brain is “soft-wired” and can be re-programmed. That means that our ability to pay attention can be improved considerably.

The HabitSafe Solution
HabitSafe provides people with simple and easy-to-use attention-enhancing techniques to help
them be safer, and provides the framework to embed these into their subconscious.

HabitSafe improves peoples ability to pay attention by teaching three foundations:


  • How common inattention is.

  • How to detect and be on guard against the things that cause inattention. 

  • Quick-win skills and habits that provide extra protection when inattention is present (because often, it will be there without us knowing about it).


Our staged approach combines engaging training sessions with learner-driven practice so the attention-enhancing techniques are repeated routinely until they become automatic.


This approach is proven to reduce incidents at work, but just as importantly, the skills and habits carry over to the rest of our daily lives.


And one other thing, we can deliver HabitSafe face-to-face or through your virtual in-house platform.



HabitSafe’s aim is to help our clients align people’s behaviour (via safer skills and habits) with the organisation’s desired safety culture.


We do this on three levels:


Everyone attends training sessions, 2-4 weeks apart. They also complete specified activities for up to 5 minutes every day. 


Front-Line Supervisors attend a Coaching session to help others upgrade their skills and habits to safer ones. They also learn how to deliver the HabitSafe daily pre-starts. 


Managers (and stakeholders) attend a Leading session to facilitate the upgrade of skills and habits in their area of responsibility.  They are provided with an advanced understanding of the concepts, attention-enhancing
techniques, and what needs to happen to ensure success. 

HabitSafe creates a shared language and structure around what everybody knows and refers to as “common sense”.

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